What a month! Here are the last of the holiday themed cupcakes, and other December projects!
Assortment of choc, vanilla, gingerbread, and redvelvet cupcakes with gumpaste accents.
Chocolate and gingerbread cupcakes with vanilla buttercream and sugar accents- this bunch was donated to the Look Out Society Shelter in New Westminster, because everyone needs Xmas goodies!

Another assorted Christmas box of cupcakes (choc, vanilla, redvelvet & gingerbread) with gumpaste accents.
Roxiecakes received an email on the 30th with a request for two birthday cakes for the very next night! It was a tight squeeze, but I am very happy with the turn out.
A red velvet cake with classic cream cheese icing, all for a birthday boy who LIKES cars & the color red...but LOVES red velvet! Happy Birthday Alshaan!
Last but not least, Pink Champagne Cupcakes to celebrate the New Year! These cupcakes also happen to be gluten/wheat free, dairy free and egg free- very allergen friendly! I was inspired by Wasabimon's post: http://www.wasabimon.com/archive/gluten-free-champagne-cupcakes/
These were a happy accident...since when I went to make these I realized we had no eggs left...so I turned them into a vegan treat as well, and left out both the eggss & milk. They turned out awesome! The next day I made them again, but chocolate flavored with cream cheese icing...okay so they weren't dairy free that time, but they were awesome!
So that is a wrap for 2009..looking forward to an amazing 2010 with some sweet creations on the way.
New Years resolutions? Perhaps to 'sample' a little less....but since thats pretty necessary for quality control, I won't be making any promises :)
keep those allegy free ones in mind for Bdays in april - we have one LO that with celiac and also casine free, i think that cupcake would be perfect