For my hubby's birthday it was very tempting NOT to make him a cake, we were sooo busy there was barely time to pull it off, PLUS he is the proud recipient of buckets of Roxiecakes leftovers, (and rejects), so I was worried that cake would be the last thing he wanted for his bday..(I know crazy, but he's doesn't have the sweet tooth that I do!).
Anyway.... I felt that since he puts up with me baking into the wee hours of the night, and on weekends for everyone else, that I should at least be able to squeeze him in for his bday.
So here is my husbands camping cake (if you know him, you know what an outdoors-a-holic he is..he would be perfectly content to live in a mountain cave somewhere...sooo opposite of me!)
The cake is a combo of chocolate cake & lemon cake, filled with italian meringue buttercream and chocolate ganache.
The camping essentials are made with fondant, (even our beloved Yorkie Sam!) and the use of some black licorice for the tent support beams :)
And of course paw prints, since he likes to be closer to animals than civilization...and he likes to say "the bears are more afraid of us then we are of them" ...yeah, okay, I feel like those are famous last words (and the reason why I get NO sleep when we camp!)
For Goodness Sakes, Look At Those Cakes
5 years ago
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